Dental Help
Information Regarding Dental Treatment.
In the Southwest there is a shortage of Dentists so you may be struggling to register with a Dentist in the area. There is a waiting list which you can be placed on, for people who are in the same position.
Please call: 0300 311 2233
And ask to be placed on the waiting list for Devon.
Plymouth University have free dental clinics where you can be seen by Trainee Dental Students who are under supervision. You need to call them to sign up for the waiting list. They have 4 clinics available during term time (October-June):
Devonport DEF (Plymouth)
Damerel Close, Madden Road, Devonport, Plymouth PL1 4JZ
Tel: 0345 155 8109
Derriford DEF (Plymouth)
Plymouth Science Park, 20 Research Way, Derriford, Plymouth, PL6 8BT Tel: 0345 155 8109
Truro DEF
Knowledge Spa, Royal Cornwall Hospital, Cornwall TR1 3HD
Tel: 0187 2258 100
Exeter DEF
Veysey Close, Exeter, EX2 4SG
Tel: 0139 2465 303
If you are in need of emergency treatment, there are two services which offer this:
Seven Trees
Plymouth Dental Access Centre Seven Trees Baring Street, Plymouth PL4 8NF
Tel: 03330063300
Dental Access Centre
1A Baring St, Plymouth PL4 8NF
Tel: 01752 434664
You may have to pay the standard NHS charge for the services above. If you have a dental emergency outside of working hours, you need to call 111.
To manage pain at home you can take paracetamol as well as ibuprofen (if this is suitable with your other medications/medical conditions). Certain strength of Co-codamol can be bought over the counter. We also recommend washing your mouth with saltwater rinses every 6 hours if you suspect you have an active infection/abscess.
The GP can NOT prescribe antibiotics for dental conditions. This MUST be done by a Dentist.