Live Better Longer

Information and local support for over 65s.

Local Support

There are various services that connect people to local support for health, wellbeing and independence.

  • People who co-ordinate this are called social prescribers. They can:
  • Link you to local groups and activities
  • Help you make positive lifestyle changes
  • Help you to learn new things and make new friends
  • Refer you to local services and information

Wellbeing Hubs Plymouth

Wellbeing hubs provide information and signposting to local services such as mental health support and volunteering opportunities.

Plymouth’s Wellbeing Hubs have four main aims

  • To improve the health and wellbeing outcomes for local people
  • To reduce inequalities in health and wellbeing
  • To improve people’s experience of care
  • To improve the sustainability of the health and wellbeing system


What Are Wellbeing Hubs On The POD 600


We also work in partnership with a range of organisations in the city who can provide additional health and wellbeing support

The generic offer of every hub includes health advocacy, debt advice, mental health support, opportunities to volunteer, employment advice, signposting of local and citywide providers of health services.

The hubs are a key part of the city’s One System, One Aim vision which looks to transform care by taking a different approach.

  • From patients to people – the hubs will be designed to engage with people recognising they have strengths and assets and with support can achieve outcomes without being viewed as patients who need things doing to them
  • From care settings to places and communities – the hubs will be a place and community-based offer and will help to develop communities that care
  • From what’s the matter with you to what matters to you – the plan is to focus on the assets of individuals and build on that to achieve the things they want to achieve
  • From illness management to wellness support – the focus is on prevention and wellbeing

For further information please visit:

Preventing Falls

Personalised exercise groups are held within your community.

The benefits are:

  • Improve strength and balance
  • Improve confidence
  • Improve mobility and flexibility
  • Improve quality of life
  • Meet new people

To find out if this is for you, call us for a conversation: 01752 437177

Steady on Your Feet

Falling is a common problem, but it’s not an inevitable part of ageing.

Steady On Your Feet is led by the NHS and local authorities to help increase people’s confidence and reduce the risk of falls. Advice and resources are available for anyone worried about feeling unsteady on their feet, with simple tips on staying active, independent, and safe during everyday activities.

Keep Warm in Winter

Keeping warm over winter can help prevent serious illnesses like colds, flu, heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia and depression.

Heat your home to a temperature that’s comfortable for you

If you can, this should be at least 18C in the rooms that you regularly use. This is particularly important if you have a medical condition. You should also keep your bedroom windows closed at night.

Do you have concerns about your home being cold or damp?

You can telephone the Warm Home Referrals team on 01752 477117. The service is run by Livewell Southwest, Plymouth City Council and Plymouth Energy Community.

Receive a free Home Safety visit from the Fire Service

Devon & Cornwall Fire Service offer a free home safety check to anyone over the age of 65. Call 0800 05 02 999 for more information.

Our community

Our local community comes together in warmth and assistance throughout the year to ensure no one feels forgotten. It is important to feel connected to our community and look after ourselves and those around us. So how can you help your community this winter?

Keep in touch with friends, neighbours and family and let them know if you need anything practical such as stocking up on essential items or medication, and if you are warm enough.

Wrap up warm. Wearing shoes with good grip can prevent falls on ice and wearing scarves can reduce the risk of chest infections. Encourage others to wear the same.

Join a local group and make some new friends.  You can call the Age Positive Project team for more details on 07305104006.

Age Positive Project Contact Details

This project supports over 65’s to reduce social isolation and frailty.

Tel: 07305104006


Age UK Advice Line

This is a free, confidential telephone service for older people.

Tel: 0800 678 1602


Livewell Southwest Contact

For advice, support, and signposting for those aged 65+

Tel: 01752 306900

Plymouth Options Contact
If you are worried about your mental health or that of someone else, call Plymouth Options for advice
on 01752 435419.