Register with our practice

To register with the practice please click the link below. Please check you live within out catchment area before completing the forms.

Each patient needs to complete a Registration form and a New Patient Questionnaire. 

Please note, we are no longer taking registration forms via email. These MUST be brought in to the Surgery.







Adult Questionnaire Patient Health Questionnaire 16 & over

Child Questionnaire Patient Health Questionnaire – Child under 16

Catchment Area (Practice Boundary)

You can search for your postcode by clicking the magnifier in the top right corner of the map, this will indicate whether you live within the boundary or not.

Named GP

From April 2015 it is a contractual requirement that each of our patients has a named GP who is accountable for overseeing the care we provide for them.  If you are unsure of who you are registered with please ask at reception and the team will be able to tell you.

What does it mean for our patients aged 75 and over?

From 2015, all patients aged 75 and over will have a named GP who will be responsible for the care and support that our surgery provides to them. We hope this will provide and continue to promote, the continuity of care for our patients who are over 75 years.

As one of our patients in this age group, you will have a named GP. Your named GP will make sure that you get the best possible level of care and support from our Surgery. They will work with other healthcare professionals, who are involved in your care, to make sure that your care meets your individual needs.

Your named GP is also your registered GP. However, if you prefer to see a different GP and feel you would rather they were your named GP then please let us know.