Social Prescribing

Healthy Futures, The stepping stone to a healthier, happier you.

What is Social Prescribing? Social prescribing helps you explore and access activities and services that are available locally to support you to improve your health and wellbeing.

Who is Healthy Futures for?

  • Anyone aged over 18
  • Anyone who would like some non-medical support to improve their physical and/or mental health and wellbeing
  • Anyone who is able to engage with a link worker and make decisions about next steps they would like to take
  • Healthy Futures can work with people to improve their mental wellbeing, but is not suitable for people in mental health crisis or with an unmet clinical need.

How does it work?

You can be referred to the Link Worker working at your GP practice by any member of the practice team, or you can self-refer by getting in touch. A member of our team will contact you to discuss your referral and arrange an appointment.

The support we offer?

At your first appointment, we will discuss what matters to you and co-create a plan to support you to reach your goals. Your Link Worker will listen to you and share their knowledge and

connections to local services and organisations that can offer specialist support, including:

  • Benefits support and debt advice
  • Arts and creative activities
  • Healthy lifestyles and health promotion e.g. stopping smoking, physical activity and healthy eating
  • Education, training and learning
  • Befriending
  • Counselling and talking therapies
  • Support groups and networks
  • Social and peer activities
  • Employment and volunteering
  • Housing support

Getting back on track

Josh was struggling to find employment and was referred to Healthy Futures when he attended his GP with symptoms of anxiety because he was struggling to pay his rent. The Link Worker connected him to a local benefits advisor and supported him to liaise with his landlord about managing his arrears. Once his finances were more settled and he was less stressed, he was able to explore employment and attended a community job club which helped build his confidence and skills.

Healthy Futures Patients Leaflet

You can self-refer by contacting our friendly team on:


Tel: 01752 203673

Please see our website –